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Health Equity through technology



Our Story


Health Equity Artificial Intelligence Logistics Technology 

is a SaaS product. It is a culturally-relevant patient-management platform to support providers, clinic staff, and patients to reduce health disparities in the US and the globe. Our first two applications of the software are on Black maternal and infant mortality-related disparities in the United States (US) and substance use disorder disparities. With persons of lived experience navigating complex health systems, we wanted to create a product to support patients  and families better navigate their care and for providers and clinics to improve care delivery to reduce health disparities. 

Who We Are

We are an interdisciplinary team with research and consulting expertise in health equity, nursing, public health, minority health, implementation science, patient operations management, and technology design and evaluation. Our team also has clinical domain expertise in obstetrics/gynecology and minority health. 

Our Vision

Our vision is simple: we want to #ENDHealthDisparities through technology. 

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